Hot sell TTL232 Interface high scanning speed 1D barcode ccd scanner module LV1000

LV1000 1D: TTL232 Interface; barcode scanner module
Product Introduction:
Designed for OEM applications, easily adopted into all kinds of equipments where need the 1D barcode scanning application.This high performance CCD scan engine can easily be integrated into various solutions such as kiosks, ticketing machines, PDA's and many more.The LV1000 also features an industrial grade sensor with no moving parts to wear out and the product is carefully designed based on years of industry knowledge for easy integration into OEM devices.

Product Features:
1) Highly integrated
Compact and highly integrated desing, image capture device with decoder on the same board.Small form factor features an easy installation and variety of usuages.
2) Advance Technology
Thanks to the core-technology uIMG .Independent designed and manufactured by Rakinda Technology includes the optical, CMOS, digitizer, decoder, image processing & embedded systems. Supports all global standard 1D barcode symbologies. Reading performance reaches global standard.By using accessories provided, scan all kinds of barcodes defined by customers.
3) Intelligent Focus
Advanced optical focusing system which senses the ambient environment and adjusts the optical automatically for a quick reading response.

contact information:

Name:Jane Liao
Shenzhen Rakinda Technologies Co.,LTD.
Phone: +86-15019421645 (whatsapp)
Skype:  janeliao0327
QQ: 2851138185
Wechat: liaojianxiu
Tel: 86-0755-83233013-815
Online sotre:
Ad:5F Building A2 ,Lee Lang Software Park,Bu Lan Road 31,Longgang District, Shenzhen City,Guangdong,China

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