Scan Barcode+NFC card, Diverse Payments Terminal Is Online From Rakinda

Scan barcode and NFC card to take a bus, Rakinda has independently researched and developed the multi-purpose bus payment terminal on the line! It is reported that the terminal not only can support the traditional NFC card payment but also can pay for by reading barcode combined with bar code scanner module integrated by bus, the user can choose “NFC card OR scanning the barcode on the phone” by themselves.
barcode scanner module
Generally speaking, at the rush hour of the public bus, if the balance of bus card is insufficient, it is inevitably encountered the embarrassing scenes such as ‘the crowd of onlookers’ or ‘no change with silence out of the bus’. In response to this situation, in the process of production research and development, the technical teams make full use of barcode automatic identification technology and mobile Internet new technology integrating the function of scanning barcode to pay, while let the portable smartphone into a smooth bus card to provide diversification for passengers payment method.
barcode scanner
In addition, the technical teams of Rakinda ensure that all kinds of NFC equipment, mobile payment APP can be used reliably in the real public transport network through the stimulating environment of bus payment, repetitive interoperability testing in the phase of product testing.
barcode scanner
Comparing to the traditional bus card equipment, the items of the public bus payment has a breakthrough from Rakinda company in the payment of new features to limit the maximum payment to meet the needs of people in the era of mobile payment needs. At the same time, the intelligent management system helps the public transport efficient operation. If you are interested in products like this, don’t hesitate to contact us, we will try our best to help you and give you the perfect solutions.

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