Qr code School-Card in University and Smart QR Code for Turnstile in Library
With the development of bar code, it is used widely in the world.
It is not only used in commercial, for example, the bar code in products on supermarket, but also used widely in life, for example, the qr code payment in metro, phone bus payment; At same time, bar code comes into the university, for example qr code school-card, and smart qr code for turnstile in library.
It is not only used in commercial, for example, the bar code in products on supermarket, but also used widely in life, for example, the qr code payment in metro, phone bus payment; At same time, bar code comes into the university, for example qr code school-card, and smart qr code for turnstile in library.

In order to build smart schools and the Internet+ Smart library,
the smart 2D code school-card say hi to the shool on June 20, 2017 in Huannan Science and Engineering University; the students and the teachers are able to go to the library through reading 2D code before the intelligent turnstile.
It was said, there are embedded 2D barcode reader in the turnstile, combining with the management system of 2D school-card; it offer multi-choices for them, and it also reduce the trouble of forgetting and losing the real shool-card; it makes them feel very happy.
The students and the teachers finished the authentication through the phone-service place specified by the library, and they will have the 2D bar code only owned by themselves, and then make the scanner embedded in the turnstile to read the bar code, everything will be ok.

What is more, this 2D qr code is dynamic code; it is updated online automatically; it prevent the personal information from be stealed by others, so it is very safe.
Since the time, the new cards say hi to the students and teachers, they are popular, and most of them try this new way.
As the top 10 suppliers of bar code scanner, Shenzhen Rakinda researched and developed the embedded 2D bar code scan engine–LV4500 series bar code readers to meet the different request of market, for example, LV4500I bar code scan engine is without glass; LV4500R barcode scan engine is with glass; LV4500-20 qr code scanner is with small glass.
And any interest, please feel free to contact me.
Contact information:
Email: wood@rakinda.com;
Skype: Wood Rakinda
whatsapp: 86-17839315365
Tel: 86-755-83233013-844
Web: https://www.rakinda.com
Online sotre: https://www.aliexpress.com/store/205308
Email: wood@rakinda.com;
Skype: Wood Rakinda
whatsapp: 86-17839315365
Tel: 86-755-83233013-844
Web: https://www.rakinda.com
Online sotre: https://www.aliexpress.com/store/205308